Dear fellows, we are the European Youth Team (EYT), and welcome to our first official page!
The EYT was set up in November 2019 by a group of five young enthusiasts who are part of the PeaceJam networks across Europe.
These five members were part of the ‘core team’ and put out a call for applications for new members to join and create the overall European Youth Team. What started as a small initiative grew to be one of the finest youth organizations based on the idea “for young people, by young people.’
The European Youth Team was given the task of thinking ahead to November 2020, where the first Pan-European conference was to be held in Belgium. The team spent many months planning the conference, thinking of speakers and workshops ideas and decided that the themes for the conference should be themes most relevant to young people; Environment, Health, Education, Migration and Equality.
Unfortunately, due to the pandemics of COVID19, the conference took its place online and once again it was up to the European Youth Team to work together to ensure that the online conference would be as impactful as if it was held in person.
The conference itself was a great success, with over 30 workshops and speakers from all five of the chosen themes alongside Nobel Peace Laureate Jody Williams, an open-mic night and an initiative called the Laureate of the Future Award. The programme lasted for 5 days, with many mentors ensuring that the conference provided an impactful, enjoyable and effective way of still working to promote peace during the pandemic.
After the PeaceJam conference in November 2020, we wanted to continue bringing positive change and spread our word, so we brought youth from all over Europe into one place called the “European Youth Team”.
The aim of the EYT founding was the continuation of promotion of the PeaceJam values and global youth inclusion into the current issues and topics in which youth can make a big impact. Strengthening the youth, providing support through different projects and activities, as well as creating a safe space for the young people to share their ideas are the guiding ideas of the EYT!
Our members have different educational, cultural and national backgrounds, which makes it more colourful and gives us insight into different perspectives at the same time.
Also, members have different experience backgrounds with PeaceJam, some of them are with the PJ for a while, while others are totally new! We are open to new members, enthusiastic people willing for the action and promotion of the different ideas which can make and reach youth all over the world.
We have strong connections with PeaceJam from many countries, from the UK to Greece and even Mexico, which gives us a really global insight and connection of the youth. Topics that we bring are related to the environment, health, politics, migrations, law, different actions of peace, projects, online sessions and panels.
Currently, the team is split into several parts for better and broader chances for action.
Newsletter 1:
Youth Team Introduction
Dear fellows, we are the European Youth Team (EYT), and welcome to our first official page!
The EYT was set up in November 2019 by a group of five young enthusiasts who are part of the PeaceJam networks across Europe.
These five members were part of the ‘core team’ and put out a call for applications for new members to join and create the overall European Youth Team. What started as a small initiative grew to be one of the finest youth organizations based on the idea “for young people, by young people.’
The European Youth Team was given the task of thinking ahead to November 2020, where the first Pan-European conference was to be held in Belgium. The team spent many months planning the conference, thinking of speakers and workshops ideas and decided that the themes for the conference should be themes most relevant to young people; Environment, Health, Education, Migration and Equality.
Unfortunately, due to the COVID-19 pandemic, the conference took its place online and once again it was up to the European Youth Team to work together to ensure that the online conference would be as impactful as if it was held in person.
The conference itself was a great success, with over 30 workshops and speakers from all five of the chosen themes alongside Nobel Peace Laureate Jody Williams, an open-mic night and an initiative called the Laureate of the Future Award. The programme lasted for 5 days, with many mentors ensuring that the conference provided an impactful, enjoyable and effective way of still working to promote peace during the pandemic.